Wednesday, July 16, 2008

[CW:MONTHLY] The Round Up: Convention New Media Programming Track

You spoke and we listened. Join us for "NLGJA Goes to Washington" this August, and you'll find the hands-on workshops you need to get ahead in the newsroom, including those from our new media programming track.

Beyond Blogging: Mobile Media Workshop
Today's freelancer has to be a one-person band: Writer, editor and publisher all-in-one. This hands-on workshop will help you get up to speed on the latest online tools - from video podcasting to mobile updates - as we create a mini-Web site for the NLGJA conference.

Ready, Aim, Shoot: The Ins & Outs Of Web Video
Shooting Web video is an important skill set for any reporter. This workshop will teach you the basic fundamentals of video storytelling (like lighting, audio and framing) and show you how to avoid letting video get in the way of your written story. You'll walk away with new skills and a better sense of how to blend words and images.

Digital Savvy For Your Career: Beyond The Basics
If you want to get ahead in journalism, you need to know more about digital media than the next guy or girl. In this advanced panel, we'll cover pay rates, content ownership rights, electronic job applications, e-mail etiquette, jargon and strategies for better blogging.

See the full new media track listing and register online for the convention by August 14!