Wednesday, August 13, 2008

[CW:MONTHLY] Targeting New Audiences: Finding Your Niche

So you want to create a new publication for a specific audience. But how do you know if a Web site or a print product would be more successful? What kind of content does your audience want?

NewsU's new course, Targeting New Audiences: Finding Your Niche, will help you get to know your audience. You'll find out what data you need, where to get it and how to use it. Learn from some niche youth publications' successes and failures and brainstorm about your own ideas and goals. Practice pitching your ideas to your boss in the interactive "Talk to Your Boss" simulation.

This free course will take just an hour or two to complete. Enroll online and take the course on your own schedule. It was developed in partnership with the Newspaper Association of America Foundation.

NewsU offers more than 65 focused, interactive courses that appeal to journalists at all levels of experience and in all types of media. NewsU is funded by a grant from the John S. and James L.
Knight Foundation. The program is a project of The Poynter Institute, a leader in journalism training.