Monday, August 4, 2008

[CW:PODCAST] Write Up Your Alley: Unleashing Your Inner Author

Let's face it, everyone has a book idea brewing somewhere in the back of their head. Given some of the changes and uncertainty in the journalism industry today, what better time to finally go out on a limb and make it happen?

NLGJA held a toll-free conference call workshop on Tuesday, July 8, for members interested in taking that step. Our panel of seasoned authors had a spirited conversation about the entire process - from pitching manuscripts to staying motivated to doing that book tour on a shoestring budget. The panel included:

  • Jeff Guaracino, "Gay & Lesbian Tourism: The Essential Guide For Marketing"
  • Eric Marcus, "What If Someone I Know Is Gay? Answers To Questions About What It Means To Be Gay & Lesbian"
  • Kim Severson, "The New Alaska Cookbook" & "Everything I Need To Know I Learned In The Kitchen"
  • Bob Smith, "Selfish & Perverse"

The full audio version of the hour-long session is now available online. Please note that the file is 51.85 MB, so downloading and streaming might take several minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection.

Stream "Write Up Your Alley"
Download "Write Up Your Alley" on iTunes