Thursday, November 20, 2008

[CW:MONTHLY] Member in the Spotlight: Chuck Small

Longtime Carolinas member Chuck Small finished 15 years to the day at The News & Observer (Raleigh, N.C.) on Oct. 3. Although he was primarily a copy editor, he had written a few dozen pieces, many of which were about GLBT subjects, and his last piece -- on hometown boy Clay Aiken's coming out -- received the most response he'd ever gotten to a piece.

The column quickly made it to the Aiken fan boards, and Small heard from folks in California and Michigan within hours of publication.

In the column, Small alerted readers to his plans to return to school to become a high school guidance counselor: "As I prepare to enter a new line of work, friends and colleagues have asked me whether I will go back in as I start a new career. Ultimately, I came to the same conclusion Aiken did: The time for being hidden is over."