"Discover Your Missing Links: The Semantic Web" will help you beyond simple 'tagging' in this new digital landscape. Learn to build rich connections among all your content: articles, images, motion and audio. This Webinar is offered at 2 p.m. ET, Jan. 28.
"Eyetrack and Alternative Story Forms" will share new analysis about how story forms engage readers, plus other key findings from Poynter’s EyeTrack study. The study reveals how readers of print and online news understand and remember what they’ve read. This Webinar is offered at 2 p.m. ET, Jan. 29.
For further information about these and other upcoming Webinars, visit webinars.newsu.org.
NewsU offers more than 70 focused, interactive courses that appeal to journalists at all levels of experience and in all types of media. NewsU is funded by a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. The program is a project of The Poynter Institute, a leader in journalism training.