Wednesday, April 22, 2009

[CW:MONTHLY] Member in the Spotlight

In March, NLGJA member Scott Piro was deployed to Tel Aviv to head up the international office of a new California-based not-for-profit charitable organization named ORAM International: the Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration.

ORAM's assists particularly vulnerable and forgotten refugees and migrants seeking safe haven and security. Among ORAM's focus groups are lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender individuals, women who have suffered sexual and gender-based violence, the elderly, the ill and the disabled. Its first client projects involve LGBTs in Turkey and Israel.

ORAM conducts education and advocacy, provides legal advice and facilitates legal representation for these highly vulnerable individuals in their quest for secure legal status and resettlement.

As communications director, Scott is launching, handling the organization's publicity, and booking speaking opportunities for ORAM's executive director.