On October 12, to coincide with National Coming Out Week, Petrow launched a new Web site Steven Petrow’s Gay and Lesbian Manners Online (http://www.gayandlesbianmanners.com/) that will answer everyone’s – gay or straight -- LGBT questions on dating, sex, marriage, coming out, and all the rest.
"LGBT people are faced with many new situations—some difficult and uncomfortable, others joyous and exciting—that require guidance,” says Petrow. “That’s what motivated me to create this Web site, where both gays and straights can email me their LGBT etiquette dilemmas, which I like to call “Queeries.” I’ll answer as many as I can on the site and in my columns.”
The entire LGBT community (as well as the straight people in their lives) will find Steven Petrow’s unique brand of advice refreshing and invaluable as they tackle all of the modern-day dilemmas.